Lesson 7: Finders, Keepers

In this lesson, you will find out about the TextWrangler Find command. Once you get your mind around this feature, you will be a TextWrangler journeyman, ready to strike out and seek text-processing challenges of your own. It's quite possible that you will never look at text the same way again.

Compare and Contrast

Here's the Find and Replace dialog of a popular word processor:

And here's TextWrangler's Find & Replace dialog:

If your first reaction was consternation and confusion, that's understandable. There certainly are a lot of buttons and other widgets in TextWrangler's Find & Replace dialog. But in reality, the word processor's dialog has close to the same number of options. They're just organized differently; many features are in separate dialogs, hidden until you specifically request them. The word processor's dialog is designed to be non-threatening, at the expense of making experienced users click around a lot to get to what they want. TextWrangler's Find dialog, on the other hand, gives you most of its power right up front. Once you are a bit more familiar with the Find dialog, this becomes a good thing.

Ignoring all the checkboxes for a moment, TextWrangler's Find & Replace dialog is still at heart much like the one in the word processor. In the top field you enter the text you're searching for. In the field below, you put the text you want to replace it with, if you're doing a search-and-replace operation. (If you're just finding, you can ignore it entirely.) On the right side are buttons that let you choose the action you want to perform. Much of the time, you will start with Find.

And that's where we will start too. To get started, choose Find from the Search menu and follow along.

Finding Text

Finding a simple piece of text is almost too easy to describe: you simply enter the text you're looking for, click Find, and the next occurrence after the insertion point is highlighted instantly. (If a match cannot be found, your computer simply beeps.) The Find dialog goes away, which might be disconcerting at first, but you really don't need it anymore: after you've found one occurrence of the text, you can just choose Find Again from the Search menu to find the next. (Command-G is the handy shortcut.)

Now is a good time to re-open the Find & Replace window and play with the checkboxes. For now, just concentrate on the ones between the Search For and Replace With fields--the ones in the middle of the dialog. Let's go over them one by one.

The first three have to do with where TextWrangler starts searching and the direction in which it searches.

On the right of this area are two checkboxes which deal with the current selection range.

Below those are the checkboxes that tell TextWrangler how to deal with letters and words.


You can toggle these checkboxes from the keyboard. Just hold down the Command key for a second while the Find dialog is open to reveal a keyboard shortcut next to each. The same trick works in most of TextWrangler's dialogs.

Most good word processors have features like this, and you may already be familiar with the concepts. But hang in there--this is only the beginning.

Replacing Text

Often, the reason you start searching for some particular bit of text is to replace it with something else. Open the document "Find and Replace Sample" that was included with your TextWrangler Demo download. We're going to change all occurrences of the word "cat" to the word "dog."

First we will do this one instance at a time. This will allow us to check the context of each replacement before it's made and make sure it's really talking about cats. Open the Find dialog, enter "cat" in the first field and "dog" in the second, mark Start at Top and unmark all the other checkboxes, and click Find.

These last two sentences give us an opportunity to point out the pitfalls of searching and replacing. You might have been tempted, at the beginning, to mark Entire Word, so we wouldn't be bothered things like catastrophe. But that would have missed the word "cats." (Shortly we will show you how to search for both cat and cats at once.) Worse, if we had just done a Replace All (which does exactly what you think it does) we would have ended up with a Hobie Dog and a dogastrophe!

The point we want to make here is that before you hit Replace All, make sure you're really replacing what you think you're replacing. If you don't remember until afterward, don't panic--TextWrangler's Undo will (usually) get you out of the pinch.

Let's change all the dogs back to cats, at once. In the Find dialog, enter Search For: "dog," Replace with: "cat," and click Replace All. Now you know how to do it, although now the document thinks a Great Dane is a cat--and there's also a reference to "hotcatging" that was originally "hotdogging." Never you mind, we're done with this document.

A Couple Quick Things to Try

These tips are too handy to pass by, but they're not complicated enough to warrant in-depth coverage.

Special Characters

In the last lesson we hinted that TextWrangler's Search function lets you do all sorts of nifty things involving tabs. But have you tried typing a tab character into the Find dialog? If so, you discovered that you can't do it that way. In Mac dialogs, Tab is used to move from field to field, and TextWrangler uses the key consistently with other applications. Similarly, you can't enter an end-of-line character because pressing Return would initiate a Find by activating the default button.

You can enter tabs and returns in the Find dialog by selecting them in your document and choosing Enter Selection, or by typing Command-Tab or Command-Return. But a better way is to use TextWrangler's escape codes for these and other special characters. Tab can be specified as \t, and Return (the standard line ending) can be specified as \r.


An "escape code" is just a code that changes the normal meaning of the character that follows it. TextWrangler uses the backslash (\) as an escape code. When you type a backslash and follow it with certain other letters, those letters take on special meanings.

In Lesson 5, we said that Remove Line Breaks only works when there's a blank line between paragraphs. If paragraphing was indicated with an indentation but no line break, Remove Line Breaks would merge all the selected paragraphs into a single paragraph. Luckily, it's easy to change the indented paragraphs to have a blank line between them.

This searches for every return that is followed by a tab (i.e., the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next) and changes it to two returns, inserting a blank line and in the process removing the indent. Try it with just the three paragraphs at the end of the Hard Wrapped sample file. (Remember to click Selection Only in the Find dialog!)

Here's another, slightly more complicated example. Let's say you used Entab to add tabs to a table you got from a piece of email, with the eventual aim of importing it to a spreadsheet. In fact, let's say it was the sample file we provided, Email Table.

OK, first we Entab the document using the default settings, which replaces runs of spaces with tabs where appropriate. But we find that there are extra spaces after some of the tabs, and in some cases there are two tabs between the columns! We want just one tab between each of the columns and no spaces.

But we can't just delete all the spaces--the text in the left column has spaces in it which would make the text illegible if they were removed. We want to delete just the ones between the columns.

Now, as it happens, the Entab function inserts spaces (if any are necessary to push the text to a location that's not at a tab stop) after tabs. It never inserts spaces before a tab. So what we can do is search for any tab that's followed by a space, and replace it with just a tab.

Turn on Show Invisibles (including spaces) after you try the search and replace operation above. (Reminder: that's in the Text Options dialog, accessible from the Edit menu.) Yes, the tabs that were followed by a single space are now just tabs. But more interestingly, tabs that had two trailing spaces are now followed by just a single space! And we already know how to get rid of those--just run the same Replace operation again. You don't even need to open the Find dialog again; just choose Replace All from the Search menu. The keyboard shortcut, again, is Command-Option-=.

Since we entabbed using the default settings, there's a tab stop every four character positions. That means TextWrangler never needed to insert more than three spaces after a tab to push text to where it belonged, because if four spaces were needed, another tab would have been used instead. So we never need to perform that replace operation more than three times. The fourth time, TextWrangler will always beep at us. If you actually try it, you'll find that it is indeed so.

Now let's take care of those extra tabs between columns. We only want one between columns so they will import correctly to the spreadsheet. This, too, is easy:

Each time we perform this replace operation, any sequence of two or more tabs is reduced by one tab. If there are three tabs, then replacing two tabs with one leaves two tabs, and that means on the next pass through we will be left with a single tab. If we repeat the operation until TextWrangler beeps at us, every column will, like magic, have only a single tab between it. If you have a copy of Microsoft Excel or ClarisWorks on your machine, try copying the text from TextWrangler and pasting it into a spreadsheet.

This is the kind of bread-and-butter text manipulation that TextWrangler is especially handy for. But you ain't seen nothing yet. Would you believe it's possible to get exactly the same results using only one Replace All operation?

But First, This Message

Curious about what other special characters (besides tab and Return) TextWrangler can search for? Here's a complete list.

Escape Code



Macintosh line break (carriage return)


Unix line break (newline)




page break (form feed, ASCII 12)




hexadecimal character code NN (e.g. \x0D for CR)

For consistent results, always use \\ when you want to search for a single backslash. Otherwise, TextWrangler may think you mean to escape the next character, rather than searching for a backslash. If you were searching this Tutorial in TextWrangler and wanted to find the actual string "\t" in this chapter, you'd enter \\t in TextWrangler. Remember, \t represents a tab, but \\t is literally the pair of characters \and t.

Grep Patterns aka Regular Expressions

The term "regular expression" sounds odd at first. The term "expression" you might remember from algebra, but you may not expect to see "regular" in front of it. (Sort of like "fancy catsup"--by the way, how come you never see a packet of plain catsup?)

In this context, though, "regular" simply means "repeating" or "pattern-like." A regular expression is a special kind of search term that can match repeating text, or text that follows a pattern. Have you ever used a word processor that let you use ? to match any character (wom?n matches "woman" or "women"), or = or * for any number of characters? Such special search terms are called wildcards or sometimes "metacharacters." Think of regular expressions as wildcards on steroids.

Regular expressions come from Unix. Like Unix itself, they are somewhat cryptic, yet incredibly powerful. A ubiquitous Unix program that employs regular expressions to great effect is called grep.


The term "grep" is actually an abbreviation of a command line from the Unix line editor--which is called, with typical Unix terseness, ed. The command
"g/regular expression/p" would search a file for all lines containing the given regular expression and display them. This operation was performed so frequently that it wasn't long before it was spun off into a separate program, the aforementioned grep. Since then, many variations of grep have been written, and regular expressions are found in many products that aren't even Unix-based.

Since Unix's grep was where many people were first exposed to regular expressions, they are often referred to as grep expressions or grep patterns. And now you know what the Use Grep checkbox in the Find dialog is for. When you check it, TextWrangler interprets the Search For and Replace With fields not as plain old text with the occasional \t or \r, but as regular expressions.

Although regular expressions may look complicated at first, it's easy to get started. The first rule is that most common text characters, including letters, numbers, and spaces, match themselves.


The TextWrangler User Manual has a much more in-depth discussion of grep, and also recommends additional references if you want even more details.

You can use the special characters we listed in the preceding section (like \r and \t for end-of-line and tab) in regular expressions. In fact, the backslash character has even more meaning in regular expressions than it normally does. Many punctuation characters (such as ., +, ?, and *) have special meaning in regular expressions. They do not "match themselves"--if you search for a period, you will find any character, because that's the special meaning of the period. If you want to search for an actual occurrence of one of these special characters, such as a real period, you must preface it with a backslash.

Two of the most useful special characters in regular expressions are * and +, which mean "zero or more occurrences of the preceding character" and "one or more occurrences of the preceding character," respectively. If you remember, after we used the Entab command on our Email Table document, the columns were separated by one or more tabs, followed by zero, one, two, or three spaces. This is a perfect situation to use a regular expression. And the solution to our teaser, which claimed it was possible to perform our entire cleanup operation in one search and replace operation, is this:

Translated into English, that means "replace one or more tabs, followed by zero or more spaces, by a single tab." Try it--it works!

Regular expressions are unparalleled at collapsing complicated but common patterns of text into concise representations that you can then search for and destroy (or replace with something else). Here's a brief sampler of some basic regular expressions:


This is really quite a whirlwind tour of regular expressions; you can't really expect to learn how to best use regular expressions from just this overview. Our aim is simply to give you a taste of what is possible. For now, take a look at the following examples and see if you can pick apart how they work using the key above.

Regular Expression Examples

The example patterns in this section describe some common character classes and shortcuts used for constructing grep patterns, and addresses some common tasks that you might find useful in your work.

Matching Words and Identifiers

One of the most common things you use grep patterns for is to rearrange words in a line. Grep has a built-in wildcard character to matches any integer, but not one that matches any alphanumeric character. To match an arbitrary identifier use this search pattern:


This pattern matches any sequence that begins with a letter and is followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters. If other characters are allowed in the identifier, add them inside the brackets. This pattern allows underscores in only the first character of the identifier:

Matching White Space

Often you will want to match two sequences of data that are separated by tabs or spaces, whether to simply identify them, or to rearrange them.

For example, suppose you have a list of formatted label-data pairs like this:

User name: Bernard Rubble

Occupation: Actor

Spouse: Betty

You can see that there are tabs or spaces between the labels on the left and the data on the right, but you have no way of knowing how many spaces or tabs there will be on any given line. Here is a character class that means "match one or more space or tab characters."

[ \t]+

So, if you wanted to transform the list above to look like this:

User name("Bernard Rubble")



You would use this search pattern:

([a-z ]+):[ \t]+([a-z ]+)

and this replacement pattern:

Matching Delimited Strings

In some cases, you may want to match all the text that appears between a pair of delimiters. One way to do this is to bracket the search pattern with the delimiters, like this:


This works well if you have only one delimited string on the line. Suppose the line looked like this:

"apples", "oranges, kiwis, mangos", "penguins"

The search string above would match the entire line, because + and * are "greedy"--they match as many characters as they can. Grep has been told to match zero or more occurrences (*) of "any character" (.) and the first closing quote counts as "any character" (the only character that doesn't is a line break, so grep stops at the end of the line and backtracks to find the most recent closing quote mark). This unexpected result is called the "longest match issue" and can be avoided by following the + or * characters with a question mark:


This pattern stops * from being "greedy"--it stops at the first closing quote, rather than running to the end of the line.

Here's another example, a search pattern that matches C comments on a single line:


C comments look like this: /* comment goes here */ Since * has special meaning to grep, we have to precede it with a backslash if we want to match a literal asterisk. Therefore, the beginning and end of the comment must be written as /\* and \*/ respectively. In between, we put the non-greedy .*? to match whatever lies between them.

Rearranging Name Lists

You can use grep patterns to transform a list of names in first name first form to last name first order (for a later sorting, for instance). Assume that the names are in the form:

Junior X. Potter

Jill Safai

Dylan Schuyler Goode

Walter Wang

If you use this search pattern:

^(.+) ([^ ]+)$

And this replacement string:

\2, \1\r

The transformed list becomes:

Potter, Junior X.

Safai, Jill

Goode, Dylan Schuyler

Wang, Walter

We're using the "greedy" * repeat in the first set of parentheses, since we want grep to get all the way to the end of the line, then back up to find the space right before the last name, rather than finding the space between the first and middle names when there is one. The \r in the replacement string is necessary because the sequence [^ ]+ matches the end of line anchored by $.

Multi-File Search and Replace

Let's tackle one more exercise before we call this lesson complete. This one shows off TextWrangler's multi-file search and replace feature. Being able to search and replace in multiple files at once is a useful feature in and of itself, but combined with regular expressions, it's unbeatable for making complicated changes to large numbers of files. In this example, we will use regular expressions to change the titles on a group of Web pages. You may want to open and look at these files, which are in the Multi-File Site folder in the same folder as the other demo files.

What we want to do is change all the level-three headings in all these files to more attention-getting level-two headings. This involves making two changes: first, the opening tag for each level-three heading, <H3>, must be changed to <H2>. Second, the closing tag must be similarly changed from </H3> to </H2>.

Now, this would obviously be quite easy to do with two separate search-and-replace operations. Our challenge is to do it all with one. And believe it or not, there are a couple of different approaches that will work equally well. (This is typical once you get into the "grep mindset". Most problems have more than one solution, and when you get stuck, you can just try another angle.) We will focus on one here.

One way to construct our regular expression is to use alternation. We want to change <H3> to <H2> and </H3> to </H2>. This means one pattern must match both <H3> and </H3>. One way of looking at these tags is to consider one to begin with <H, and the other to begin with </H. We can write a regular expression that matches the beginning of either tag as (<H|</H). The rest of the text is the same in both tags: 3>. Our search pattern is thus: (<H|</H)3>

Now for the replace pattern. The parentheses in our example serve a dual purpose. First, they tell the alternation operator, |, that the 3> is not part of the alternation. If the parentheses were left out, the pattern would match <H or </H3>, which is not quite what we want. More importantly, the parentheses allow us to refer to the text matched by that part of the expression as \1 in the replace pattern. In other words, when used in the replace pattern, \1 means whatever was matched inside the parentheses--<H or </H. And with that we know we can write our replace expression as \12>. This will replace the text with either <H2> or </H2>, depending on whether the value matched by the alternation is <H or </H.

So we begin filling in the Find dialog:

But don't click Replace All yet! First we must tell TextWrangler which files to search.

To do this, first mark the Multi-File Search checkbox (red circle above), then fill in the rest of the settings as detailed below.

Then click Replace All to start the process. TextWrangler displays the Find and Replace All Matches dialog, asking us what we want to do with the files after editing them for us.

We tell TextWrangler to leave the files open when it's done so we can see exactly what happened. Then we click Proceed. In a few seconds, the job's done. Look through the files and see if it worked!


Another way to write the search string is <(/?)H3>. The corresponding replace string would be <\1H2>. Can you figure out how this alternative works? Also, it's valid to put attributes on an <H3> tag--as in <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>. How would you match H3 tags with or without attributes, both opening and closing, all in one pattern, and replace them correctly with the right H2 tags?

Almost Done

This is the longest and most complicated lesson in the tutorial, because it contains the most "meat" about TextWrangler. If you've struggled to understand all of this lesson, we suggest you hang in there. Go over it again if you like, play around with TextWrangler's Find and Replace functions for a while, then move on.

The next lesson is a bit of a break, showing you some of the additional features of TextWrangler for you to explore.